shiseido partners with amperity for data strategy

In a groundbreaking move, Shiseido Americas, a leading luxury beauty retailer, has joined forces with Amperity, a provider of cutting-edge AI and machine learning methods.

This strategic partnership aims to revolutionize Shiseido Americas' data strategy by harnessing Amperity's comprehensive solution for managing multiple data sources.

By leveraging Amperity's AI-powered identity resolution and unified customer profiles, Shiseido Americas is set to gain a comprehensive understanding of their customers, enabling them to deliver highly personalized communications across all brands.

This collaboration marks a significant step towards creating a seamless omnichannel experience for customers, solidifying Shiseido Americas' position as a digital innovation pioneer in the luxury beauty market.

Key Takeaways

  • Shiseido Americas has selected Amperity as the foundation of its first-party data strategy.
  • Amperity's AI-powered identity resolution and unified customer profiles build a complete customer view, enabling personalized communications.
  • The goal is to create a seamless omnichannel journey for customers, both in-store and digital.
  • Shiseido Americas partnered with Amperity to gain a competitive edge in the luxury beauty market and utilize data in an omnichannel retail environment.

The Power of Amperity's AI and Machine Learning Methods

Amperity's AI and machine learning methods offer powerful capabilities that allow Shiseido Americas to leverage data and deliver personalized customer experiences at scale. With its patented AI and machine learning algorithms, Amperity stitches together all customer interactions, providing a comprehensive solution for managing multiple data sources.

As the foundation of Shiseido Americas' first-party data strategy, Amperity brings together data from all online and offline touchpoints, creating unified customer profiles and enabling targeted, personalized communications. This seamless omnichannel journey is made possible by Amperity's AI-powered identity resolution, which builds a complete customer view.

Shiseido Americas, as an omnichannel retailer, is laser-focused on understanding its customers and delivering consistent experiences. By partnering with Amperity, Shiseido Americas gains a competitive edge in the luxury beauty market, harnessing the power of data to drive innovation and revolutionize their data strategy.

Shiseido Americas' First-Party Data Strategy With Amperity

With the assistance of Amperity, Shiseido Americas implements a robust first-party data strategy to enhance its understanding of customers and deliver personalized experiences.

1) Amperity's AI-powered identity resolution and unified customer profiles provide a complete customer view, enabling Shiseido Americas to target shoppers with personalized communications.

2) By bringing together data from all online and offline touchpoints, Amperity helps create a seamless omnichannel journey for customers, delivering real-time personalized experiences in-store and online.

3) Shiseido Americas, as an omnichannel retailer, is laser-focused on understanding its customers and delivering consistent experiences. Amperity helps unify and activate all customer data, allowing Shiseido Americas to identify the channels customers prefer and tailor their experiences accordingly.

This partnership between Shiseido Americas and Amperity showcases their commitment to leveraging data and technology to drive innovation in the luxury beauty market and create exceptional customer experiences.

Unlocking the Benefits of Amperity for Shiseido Americas

By leveraging Amperity's advanced data capabilities, Shiseido Americas can unlock a multitude of benefits to enhance customer experiences and drive business growth. Amperity's AI-powered identity resolution and unified customer profiles build a complete customer view, enabling Shiseido Americas to target shoppers with personalized communications. This helps create a seamless omnichannel journey for customers, delivering real-time personalized experiences both in-store and digitally. Shiseido Americas' focus on understanding its customers is further supported by Amperity, as it helps unify and activate all customer data. The partnership between Shiseido Americas and Amperity provides a competitive edge in the luxury beauty market, where digital innovation is key. By harnessing the power of Amperity's data platform, Shiseido Americas can effectively utilize data in an omnichannel retail environment, driving success and innovation in the industry.

Benefits of Amperity for Shiseido Americas
– AI-powered identity resolution
– Unified customer profiles
– Personalized communications
– Seamless omnichannel journey
– Real-time personalized experiences

Shiseido Americas' Focus on Understanding Customers With Amperity

As Shiseido Americas teams up with Amperity, the company is placing a strong emphasis on understanding its customers in order to deliver consistent and personalized experiences.

With Amperity's AI and machine learning methods, Shiseido Americas can stitch together all customer interactions, creating a comprehensive view of each customer.

This allows the company to target shoppers with personalized communications, creating a seamless omnichannel journey.

By identifying the channels customers prefer to interact with, Shiseido Americas can deliver consistent experiences across all touchpoints.

This partnership with Amperity gives Shiseido Americas a competitive edge in the luxury beauty market, as they find unique ways to use data in an omnichannel retail environment.

This data-driven strategy allows Shiseido Americas to stay at the forefront of digital innovation and provide innovative experiences for their customers.

The Partnership Between Shiseido Americas and Amperity

Not only did Shiseido Americas team up with Amperity, but they also formed a strategic partnership to revolutionize their data strategy. This partnership is a testament to Shiseido Americas' commitment to innovation and leveraging data to enhance customer experiences.

By selecting Amperity as the foundation of their first-party data strategy, Shiseido Americas aims to create connected and personalized digital customer journeys across all their brands. Amperity's AI and machine learning methods, which stitch together all customer interactions, will help Shiseido Americas gain a comprehensive understanding of their customers.

With Amperity's AI-powered identity resolution and unified customer profiles, Shiseido Americas can target shoppers with personalized communications, delivering real-time experiences that seamlessly bridge the gap between in-store and digital environments. This partnership will undoubtedly give Shiseido Americas a competitive edge in the luxury beauty market, where digital innovation is paramount.

Shiseido Americas' Revolutionary Data Strategy With Amperity

Shiseido Americas is transforming their data strategy by partnering with Amperity and implementing a revolutionary approach to understanding and utilizing customer data. This collaboration brings several benefits to Shiseido Americas:

  1. Amperity's AI and machine learning methods: Amperity uses patented AI and machine learning methods to stitch together all customer interactions, providing a comprehensive solution to manage multiple data sources.
  2. First-party data strategy: Shiseido Americas has selected Amperity as the foundation of its first-party data strategy to create connected and personalized digital customer experiences across all brands. Amperity brings together data from all online and offline touchpoints, enabling Shiseido Americas to target shoppers with personalized communications.
  3. Unified customer profiles: With Amperity's AI-powered identity resolution and unified customer profiles, Shiseido Americas can build a complete customer view. This allows them to deliver real-time personalized customer experiences in both in-store and digital environments, creating a seamless omnichannel journey for customers.

Through this partnership, Shiseido Americas aims to gain a competitive edge in the luxury beauty market by leveraging data to deliver innovative and personalized customer experiences.


In conclusion, the strategic partnership between Shiseido Americas and Amperity marks a significant step towards revolutionizing Shiseido Americas' data strategy. By leveraging Amperity's AI and machine learning methods, Shiseido Americas gains a comprehensive solution for managing multiple data sources and obtaining a complete view of their customers.

This enables personalized communications and a seamless omnichannel journey for customers, ultimately enhancing their overall experience.

This collaboration solidifies Shiseido Americas' commitment to data-driven strategies and establishes a strong foundation for continued success in the luxury beauty market.

By Barry